Spruce Knob Seneca Rocks Telephone offers over three hundred and fifty channels of television programming to its customers over its fiber optic network. This service, along with telephone and high-speed internet connectivity, is made possible with the modern technology available through SKSRT.
Available television channels and radio stations are listed separately for Pendleton and Pocahontas counties:
Starting June 1st 2020 the old county guides will be replaced with these new television packages for each county, which will provide more viewing options. Please review the new Pendleton County and Pocahontas County guides for future viewing choices.
Now available from SKSRT is Watch TV Everywhere. This is included at no additional charge to SKSRT customers. Watch TV Everywhere allows customers to download an app which permits viewing selected TV programming on different portable devices such as smartphones or tablets.
All guides are in printable PDF format and provides a quick overview of the channel listings available to SKSRT customers. Current television program content and schedules can be found in more detail in the Online TV Listing and Programming Guide. This online Guide can be customized to display and manage favorite TV station programming.
(Note: A PDF reader like Adobe or Sumatra is necessary to view and print PDF documents.)
Various television and movie plans are available. The set top boxes, which are the interface between the optical fiber and the television set, are available in standard or recording boxes. Contact your local office for pricing of television plan-set top box combinations. Overviews of the boxes and their use are found in the following links: